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 The iPhone 12 Pro is one of Apple's latest smartphone range and, crucially for us, it has the most attractive camera specifications Its triple camera system is very similar to the pocketbusting iPhone 12 Pro Max phablet, but the 52mm equivalent telephoto camera in the 12 Pro is a shade faster than the Max's, with an aperture of f/ rather than f/22If you're deciding between iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max strictly based on cameras, the iPhone 12 Pro Max does technically have a better camera, and in some situations the difference is noticeable, but it's subtle Based on all our tests, and other testing in the industry, the marginal advantage may not be worth the additional cost and size of the Pro Max On the other hand, if The iPhone 12 lineup delivers advanced camera systems, and with A14 Bionic — the fastest chip in a smartphone — powerful computational photography features to all users Photographers around the world are using iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max to capture stunning images of cityscapes, landscapes, people, and more, from day to

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